How to Schedule Your Coaching Course & Events with Embeddables and Subscription Calendar Tools embeddable calendar

Updated Aug 28th, 2024 by   Camella Bridges

Running a small business, especially one centered around crafting a personalized and engaging experience for your coaching clients, is tough. Not only do you have to create new and valuable content for your clients, but you also have to make sure they know when and how to show up to your events. 

As a small business owner, you’re always on the lookout for tools to make your life easier and grow your business. That’s where a useful calendar tool (like AddEvent!) can help! It can help you stay organized and keep your subscribers in the loop about your coaching sessions and events schedule without all that tedious, time-consuming work on your part.

One of the hardest parts of running a coaching business is keeping your people steadily engaged. Adding an easy-to-use add to calendar button, embedding a calendar or list in your community portal, and using subscription calendar tools can make a huge difference in keeping your clients interested and coming back every time.

Ever heard the phrase, “If it’s not on my calendar, it’s not happening.”?

Chances are, many of your clients feel this way, which is why it’s more important than ever to get your upcoming events and coaching sessions on their calendars. There are a couple of different ways you can use AddEvent to do just this and, in the meantime, keep your clients engaged and invested in your program for the long term. The first is with the help of our aesthetically pleasing and fully functional embeddable calendars and events lists. 

Let’s Talk Embeddables

Embeddable calendars, sometimes referred to as widgets, allow you to put your entire coaching schedule in your member portal, giving your members a source of truth for all upcoming sessions. 

Not sure what events you should put on this embeddable calendar? AddEvent’s embeddable calendar simplifies the management of your membership events, group coaching sessions, and any other goodies, such as guest speakers included in your program, by laying out all upcoming events in one easy-to-read location on your website. 

Plus, this embeddable will automatically stay updated with your events from our dashboard and allow your clients to synchronize or save your event across various platforms, including Google Calendar, Outlook, Apple Calendar, and more.

→ AddEvent Pro Tip: Check out these incredible embeddable calendar examples for some inspiration!

Plus, we understand that customization is key, which is why you can tailor your AddEvent embeddable calendar to blend in perfectly with your website or membership portal’s branding. All you have to do to get it live on your site is copy the HTML code AddEvent provides you and paste it into the editor on Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, or whatever website builder you are using. It’s a seamless and effective solution that enhances your client’s experience and strengthens your brand’s overall consistency.

Just because you’re offering your clients one easy place to find all of your events doesn’t mean they won’t forget to move those individual events over to their personal calendars — and that’s where our subscription calendars come in handy!   

A Coach’s Not-So-Secret Weapon: Subscription Calendars

With subscription-based calendar access, you’re empowering your clients to easily subscribe to all of your upcoming group coaching sessions, special events, guest speakers, and other engaging activities with just the click of a button. As you add or update events on your AddEvent calendar, those changes are automatically synced with your subscribers’ calendars.

Here’s how it works:

Once you’ve created your subscription calendar and added some of the events, you have a couple of options for sharing this calendar with your clients.

Via an add to calendar button on your website or add to calendar links for your emails

When clients click the add to calendar button on your website or an add to calendar link in an email, they are presented with a drop-down list of our supported calendar services. They can then select the calendar they use, such as Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc, and they will then be redirected to their calendar and given the option to save/subscribe/follow the calendar. 

The exact process for subscribing to a subscription calendar will depend on the device used and the client’s calendar service. But once the client subscribes, your subscription calendar will appear in their list of calendars, and all of the events on your AddEvent calendar will appear on the client’s personal calendar.

It’s important to note that you have the option for clients to either subscribe anonymously or give their information. If you allow them to subscribe anonymously, they will be sent directly to their chosen calendar service to add the calendar to their own calendar. 

However, if you choose to collect user data when they subscribe, the user will be first redirected to your calendar landing page, where they will be prompted to enter the information you wish to collect before they can officially subscribe to the calendar. Both options have their pros and cons, but just think through if you’d like to know who is subscribed to your calendar – this is especially relevant if you want to be able to remove former clients from accessing your calendar once they have ended their coaching subscription.

Via a unique calendar landing page with a URL to share via social media

AddEvent hosts calendar landing pages that are automatically generated for each calendar you create with them. For each calendar, two distinct links are available: a standard link and a shorter one. The shorter link is particularly useful for platforms like social media or text messages where character limits apply.

Utilizing these calendar landing pages for your events requires no configuration or setup. Simply copy the appropriate link and share it with your client across a variety of digital channels!

Via an embeddable events list on your website

Embedding an events list offers a fantastic method to showcase your calendar on your website, significantly enhancing your upcoming event’s visibility compared to just a simple “add to calendar” button. This embedded list lays out all upcoming events beautifully formatted, complete with a “subscribe” button enabling clients to subscribe to your calendar directly.

With each of these subscription calendar sharing options, you can opt to collect information from your subscribers, so if there is a lapse in their membership, you can just as easily remove them from the subscription calendar when the time comes.  

Spend less time sending individual calendar invitations and instead focus on your higher-value tasks to increase your clients’ lifetime with embeddable and subscription calendars!

→ AddEvent Pro Tip:Here’s a full guide to embedding an AddEvent calendar or embeddable events widget on your website.

Let's create events together 😍

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