Maximizing User Experience Through Effective Website Design best practices

Updated Dec 20th, 2023 by   AddEvent

Your website is your frontline effort to reach your audience. As most of the world goes digital, businesses need to build their online presence. One way to improve your online presence is through a high-powered website. Building a website is no simple feat. You should acknowledge influential web design principles as you create your site. Read on for some tips on designing your website. 

Simplify your design

When designing your website and its different pages, it’s tempting to fill up the page with everything you can. However, quality UX design means leaving some white space to guide your users across your different pages. Overloading information and content can overwhelm website visitors, making them bounce right from your website. Keep your website’s design simple with consistent design, a good font, your logo, and information kept to a minimum to help you leave white space and make your design more user-friendly. 

Use effective headings and titles

Headings serve as an introduction to what your content is about and should encourage readers to scroll through your page. Generally, your headings and titles should be clear, concise (around 50-60 characters), and directly related to your subject matter. Headings are also a powerful tool for SEO. Utilizing keywords relevant to your business makes it easier for people to find your website and pages through search engines like Google. An effective heading or title will clearly describe what the page will be about for both people and search engines. 

High-powered imagery 

Using imagery on your website isn’t just to make things look appealing but also to add value for your readers. If you’ve worked on a piece of content that’s pretty complex, you can help instill some of the points made in your post through informative, custom infographics, flyers, and by creating an ebook. Images bring visual appeal and information and help you tell a story, trigger emotions from your audience depending on your subject matter, and encourage trust-building between your business and customers. High-powered imagery also has the potential to improve conversion rates. While you can get away with stock images, creating your unique images gives your website an extra level of personability and better impact your conversion rates. In addition to utilizing high-powered imagery on your website, another valuable technique is to convert your images to HTML. By doing this, you can enhance the interactivity and accessibility of your content, allowing users to interact with and explore your visuals in a more dynamic way.

Design with your audience in mind

Like with your marketing efforts, you should design your website with your audience in mind. To keep your audience at the heart of your web design, you should first consider your target audience and draft buyer personas. Think about the websites your audience spends the most time on, or check out your competitors to see what’s going right and what needs improved improvement on their websites. Another great solution when you aren’t experienced in such things is to seek the assistance of experts in web design for small businesses because they can seamlessly blend your vision with their industry insights, resulting in a website that effectively engages and converts your desired customer base. Although you may have some preferences on how your website should look, remember you’re not designing the website for yourself. You’re creating your website for your audience.

Promote interaction

Promoting engagement is an essential aspect of website design. White space can help readers follow the most important features of your website, but you can also implement other features to carry your audience across different landing pages. You can encourage engagement through quizzes, offers to sign up for a newsletter, or get access to an e-book, powerful headlines and imagery, and more. You can also promote more interaction and engagement with your website by partnering with an influencer to feature on your landing page. For example, a celebrity endorsement can build trust with your audience and drastically improve your engagement metrics. You can also test out different tools that will help you measure engagement from influencer campaigns

Mobile phone

Keep mobile in mind

More than ever, people spend more time on the internet through their smartphones rather than a computer. If a user pops onto your site and finds it isn’t optimized for mobile, they’ll bounce right off of your website. Google reported seeing more mobile searches over desktop searches, showing the importance of ensuring your website properly runs on mobile screens. 

Check site speed

Have you ever gotten onto a site that didn’t immediately load? Did you stick around to wait for it to finish loading? Unlikely not. Studies showed websites that take longer than two seconds to load are quickly abandoned by visitors. If you want to keep people on your page and lower that bounce rate, ensure your site load speed is as fast as it can be. 

To improve your website speed, check to ensure your hosting server is performance optimized. One option for optimizing your hosting server performance is to consider hosting Windows VPS, which provides dedicated resources and allows for efficient handling of website traffic, ultimately leading to faster load times. Additionally, ensure the images on your site are optimized and not the culprit for slow page loading. Some other ways to improve your website speed are by reducing the number of redirects and enabling browser caching. 

Get feedback

No matter how much planning you put into building your website, you won’t experience all the issues yourself. Encourage your website visitors to leave feedback by providing a feedback section to encourage sharing their opinions on your website and products. If a page leads to a 404 or there’s a broken link on your website, people will let you know.  This can help you identify pain points in your website design. 

Prioritize your content

No matter the industry, your website could benefit from a blog. High-quality content helps to attract audiences to your page, builds trust, improves your authority within your industry, and provides value to your website visitors. Valuable content is more likely to be shared with other individuals, further expanding the reach of your website. Not only will valuable content attract your audience, but it’s also a strategy for search engine optimization. Within your content, you can utilize relevant keywords to help algorithms crawl your website and point more users to your content. Quality content makes it easier for people to find your website, improves your rankings, and improves overall user experience. 

Effective web design

By keeping your website design simple and with your audience at the top of your mind, you create a powerful website to expand your audience. Your website is your audience’s introduction to what your business is all about. Since your website teaches your audience about your company and products, it’s essential to design it with these key principles in mind. 

Megan Isola

Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends. 

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